St. Mary's Catholic Church is hosting Susie Sandager at 7 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 2, at 7, to do a presentation called "Corrie Remembers."

Sandager does a one-person presentation of the life of Corrie ten Boom. Corrie was a member of the ten Boom family, a Christian family who hid Jews in the family watch shop during the Holocaust to save them from execution.

The family was later arrested and placed in a concentration camp. Corrie was released nearly miraculously. Admission to the program is free, but a freewill offering will be taken to support the work of Susie Sandager.

Mae L. Baldridge, 80, died at 5:43 p.m., Friday, Nov. 13, 2009, at her residence.

She was born May 20, 1929, in Gilboa, the daugther of Paul and Cecile (Miller) Oren. On Jan. 31, 1953, she married E. Curtis Baldridge, and he died in. 16, 1984.

Surviving are three children, Linda (Tom) Moser, Gilboa; Debra Beach, Findlay; and Dr. Ron (Kristin) Baldridge, Gilboa; five grandchildren; and two sisters, Pauline Ginther, Gilboa and Shirley (Bob) Wineberg, Findlay.

She looks very familiar

Mrs. Claus has taken unheard-of time off during her busiest season of the year. She will be offering samples of her art of cooking and baking skills at Bluffton St. John's United Church of Christ Cupboard and Cafe on Saturday, Dec. 12.

Mrs. Claus will be present in Oppermann Hall from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Food for sale will include homemade everything: candies, cookies, cakes including her special angel food, pies, noodles, pickled eggs and beets, and traditional Christmas season snack foods.

By Andr'e Swartley

Holiday Buyers' Guide to Video Games


I really like your web site. Just read the info on Julia Lucas Curtis. Hope you can add lots more like this over time.

You might start with adding a special column just for Bluffton's most senior citizens, like Mrs Patterson. She's 99 and still has a sharp mind full of memories, if not recorded soon will be lost.

I think of others that have passed away that should have had their stories recorded, like Herb Conrad, and Maurice Fett just to mention 2.

K. M. Zimmerman

Nice isn't exactly the word I would use. Delighted might be more accurate. After a going through a period without relevant news and your musings, Chris saw a note about Bluffton Icon at the Food Store.

We looked it up and have been enjoying reestablishing a connection with town. Only 4 miles away and there 3-5 times a week, we still miss out on the "goings on" without real "reporting".

We are delighted you have set this up.
Tim McCarthy


Ask Greg Moser about his license plate. We did. When he was a captain in the Air Force in Viet Nam he served in a group with a code name "Igloo White." Thus, his license plate.

By Mary Pannabecker Steiner

I can probably count on one hand the few important times in our married life that my husband did not have a camera at his side. The day we got married. The day our daughter got married. The moment each of our daughters took their first steps (this counts as two). The day we saw a bald eagle.

Bess Moser

By Mary Pannabecker Steiner

When did you graduate from P-G?


Tell me some special memories from growing up in (or between)Pandora and Bluffton. Teachers? Friends?

Garrett Habegger

How many ways can you dress a turkey? Bluffton fourth graders offer several options just in time for Thanksgiving. The fourth grade tradition of creating Thanksgiving turkeys goes back many years. Go to the Icon photo gallery to see more turkeys. This one is the creation of Garrett Habegger. Your turn to cut the deck.
