Something to tell your grandchildren about - the spring of 2020

Each Bluffton generation has something of it's own:
A blizzard
A flood
A visit from John Dillinger
A stock market crash
A world war
Life before the internet
Going to school before doors were locked

The list goes on. 

Bluffton residents experiencing life in the spring of 2020 have something of their own - something to talk with their grandchildren about.

It's a virus that keeps people from shopping, from going to church, from going to school, to prom,  graduation, funerals, Easter egg hunts, spring sports events, May Day, the movies, to work, to the library, to the coffee shop, to Luke's. The list goes on.

Each of us will have our own version of the spring of 2020. Jamie Nygaard offers these photos of Bluffton, providing one photographer's view.