BCE's June 11 Brown Bag features Marlena Ballinger

Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs (BCE) new online coffee hours and brown bag events mean you can join us from anywhere and can catch up with reruns if you missed out, according to Paula Scott, BCE director.

The next "brown bag" event is Turning Views into Clicks (phone calls, orders, appointments...)

At 6 p.m. on Thursday, June 11, BCE will be joined by Marlena Ballinger of the Dough Hook Meat Market to talk about the importance of digital content, including calls-to-action, menus, and newsletters.

Join live on Zoom by video or by phone:
Meeting ID: 835 9942 7419
One tap mobile +19292056099,,83599427419# US

• A discussion about pop up shops with Cortney Mumaugh of Little Monkey Kitchen, an allergy friendly bakery.
VIDEO https://youtu.be/3JmqabJ9WaM

• A discussion about Bluffton businesses restarting with Fred Steiner of BlufftonIcon.com. 
VIDEO https://youtu.be/pQWQJ99RCqA

Stay up to date with BCE video content by subscribing to its YouTube Channel.