1950s heavy snowfall

Just to remind viewers what the aftermath of a heavy winter storm leaves on Main Street, here are two Bluffton winter scenes from the 1950s.

Paul Diller took the photos. The photo above shows the Edelweiss Restaurant with a Basinger Furniture billboard on the wall.

Today Edelweiss Restaurant is Ellerbrock Spine and Soft Tissue office, 120 N. Main St. In place of the Basinger billboard is the Oscar Velasquez Main Street mural. 

And, today, Basinger Furniture is The Black Lab. What's missing from this photo? The awning over the Main Street sidewalk.

Viewers will notice that above the restaurant is a sign for the Bluffton Masonic Lodge and Eastern Star. 

Buckeye scene

The next photo is a little trickier to recognize. It's the Main Street side of the Buckeye looking toward what today would be Bluffton Family Recreation and the current swimming pool. You can see a storage shed, on the far right that's no longer in existence.

At least two poles reveal the route of the Akron, Canton and Youngstown Railroad that passed through Bluffton. The track is slightly visable.

The footpath on the far right is on the Buckeye side of Marsh Run.

(Jim Diller photos)