Home Theology showcases Bluffton home on Good Housekeeping

Have the latest copy of Good Housekeeping nearby? You'll find the Bluffton home of Home Theology's Lauren Macke.

Macke writes, "One of the highlights of our summer was finding our home featured in the July/August issue of Good Housekeeping!! We designed and built this radiator cover 3 years ago and it’s still a favorite. It’s so fun and rewarding to see our hard work be loved by so many of you, and seeing it in actual print is pretty surreal. Thanks for GH for the feature (and for the little shoutout to Bluffton, OH!)"

Scrolling through the Home Theology Facebook feed, which began in May 2020, you find Macke's inspirations, DIY projects, and even a few glimpses of Bluffton neighborhoods.

The Home Theology business began after the Macke family bought a house on Grove St. about four years ago and began working on it room by room. Macke shared the results of the remodeling and redecorating on a blog and Instagram.

She started freelancing after realizing "I can't do this to my house forever." World of mouth and a radiator cover project that became a huge hit on Pinterest helped Macke connect with clients. She says she is humbled to be brought into homes and entrusted with helping families furnish and decorate new and existing homes.

You can find Macke's work on Facebook HERE; her website is https://hometheology.com . Reach her by email at [email protected]

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