Cast your vote in Scarecrow Decorating Contest

Visit to cast your vote

Have you noticed some new Bluffton "residents" loitering along Main Street and Cherry? The Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a Scarecrow Decorating Contest that has enticed some 30 businesses to decorate the village's downtown area with a cast of curious characters.

The scarecrows and other three-dimensional decorations are attached to lamp posts along Main Street, as well as along storefronts and in store windows. 

You can see these decorations in downtown Bluffton from Polished Nail & Body Salon on N. Main to Sprunger Insurance on S. Main, and down Cherry Street from First National Bank to Blended Roots.

The chamber encourages you to "visit the area during the month of October and take a look at nearly thirty scarecrows, visit our locally owned shops, and have lunch or dinner at our local restaurants. Then, come back to and vote for your favorites."

Voting closes on October 19. Winners will be announced on Facebook, Instagram, the Bluffton Icon, and the chamber website by October 21.

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