Bentley Road detour headed our way

The Ohio Department of Transportation Northwest Ohio District 1 has announced the following construction project to affect Bluffton next week. Outlined work is weather permitting.

State Route 103 (Bentley Rd.) between Main Street and Harmon Road in the village of Bluffton will close on Friday, Feb. 24, for approximately 64 days for reconstruction and waterline installation.

The project will realign Bentley Rd. to create a right angle intersection at Main St. and Parkview. Currently, the road forms a T-intersection at the Bluffton Dairy Freeze.

The detour will impact traffic using exit 140 on Interstate 75.

At the interchange of SR103 and Harmon Road, head east on Harmon Road to E. College Avenue. Go north on E College Avenue to S. Main. Go east on S Main Street. The same detour applies in reverse for the opposite direction of travel. (See Attached Map).

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