Busy June for Bluffton Lions Club

The Bluffton Lions Club board will hold a planning meeting on July 11 and the July club meeting is canceled while the club reorganizes following the death of president Jim Bemiller. The club notes that Bemiller had been active with Lions for 33 years. 

On June 1, eight Bluffton Lions served a community meal at the Senior Citizens Center. Seventy-two meals were served and donations totalling $167 were collected, which will be donated to the Food Pantry.

On June 6, eight lion members, spouses, VOSH volunteers and two scholarship winners attended the meeting at the VOSH Sorting Center in Pandora. Fellowship and pizza was enjoyed while the members assisted working on glasses preparation for missions in developing countries.

Nineteen Lions participated in the June pathway use count, which provides data for future grant applications.

The Festival of Wheels was held on Friday, June 16. Advertising and good weather brought 266 vehicles to the event, which included cars, tractors and motorcycles. Fifteen Lions participated in the event plus volunteer coordinator Dan Groman.

On June 20, the club meeting included installation of new officers by District Governor Elect Deb Crawford, introduction of scholarship winners; and the 50/50 charity raffle along with individual Lions reports.

Also in June, the club took a survey on meeting times, which suggested members prefer a 6:30 p.m. club meeting on the first Tuesday of the month and noon meeting with a speaker on the third Tuesday.

For more information, visit www.ohiolions.org and www.blufftonlions.org/

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