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A baptism font unlike any other

By Fred Steiner

The St. John's United Church of Christ, at the corner of Jackson and College, has a baptismal font featuring Bluffton artist Peter Klassen's work. There are six ceramic pieces created by the artist in the 1930s.

The images feature marriage, Christmas, baptism, family, Jesus and the dove of peace.

Klassen became a member of the Bluffton College faculty at the invitation of President S.K. Mosiman in 1924 and remained on the faculty until 1958. Visitors to the campus can see more than 30 works created by Klassen and by his students in bronze, wood, and marble. 

Professor Klassen was born in Kronsgarten, Ukraine, on April 8, 1888. In 1923 the Klassen’s arrived in Canada from Russia.


His studies included Predigerschule, Basel, Switzerland, 1906-08; Gymnasium, Basel, 1909; University of Berlin, 1909; private student in sculpturing and modeling, Munich, 1909-12; Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, 1912-14; and University of Munich, 1909-14. He was a professor of art, Seminary, Chortitza, Russia, 1920-23.

During World War I he was a Red Cross truck driver. He helped get a permit for Mennonites to leave Russia after the Russian Revolution.

His works combine religious themes with first-hand observations of the Russian Revolution, where he saw suffering, hardship and death. Countless Klassen works are in the collections of friends, former students and artists throughout North America.

His wife Anna died in June 1975. John died two months later at the age of 87. 

To view each of the baptism font artistic images click HERE.