One room, ten twins

By Fred Steiner

Imagine teaching school with a classroom with five sets of twins.

Beyond all the other issues of teaching, 110 school years ago, that was the situation at the Hilty country school west of Bluffton on Columbus Grove Road. Ed Hilty was the teacher of the 10 children plus the remaining students covering grades 1 to 8.

Like all one-room schools in the Bluffton Swiss Settlement, this school had three names.

First is had a township identification, in this case, District No. 3.

Second it had a tree name, in this case, Silver Maple school.

Third, it had a Swiss surname, based on several factors including the original Swiss land owner, in this case, a Hilty family.

For the rest of this story, names of the twins and more photos from the Hilty school click HERE.