How does the Bluffton Community Garden grow?

By Paula Pyzik Scott

A Mother’s Day visit to the Bluffton Community Gardens found coordinator Victoria Goddard tending to her own plot in the 9900 S. Main St gardens. Raised 4x8 foot beds and larger plots can be rented at $10/year.

Goddard's last posting on Facebook showed just one raised bed left and a couple of large plots. The deadline for rental is May 18, when cover crops will be put in any unrented plots.

The gardens, which are located down a lane south of Beaver St. on the east side of Main, are owned by the Village of Bluffton. Wells on the property were part of the Village water supply. Now the site provides gardening plots and a Monarch butterfly way station.

The Icon’s visit found herbs and garlic flourishing, some risk-taking tomatoes planted before the May 15 frost-free date and experiments in hay bale planting.

Goddard noted that gardeners can plant anything legal in the plots. There is an opportunity to learn square foot gardening methods from members of the Gardeners of the Bluffton Pandora Area club. 

Upcoming garden club meetings include:

4:00 p.m. June 4 - Garden Tour - Send a message to get addresses

6:00 p.m. July 9 - Growing and eating herbs

6:00 p.m. August 13 - Flower cutting garden

For more information, contact Goddard at [email protected]


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