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Help shape Bluffton parks planning on August 22

By Paula Pyzik Scott

From 5:00-7:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 22, the Allen County Public Health Department is hosting a Bluffton Parks Forum at the Buckeye Park Picnic Shelter.

The event is an opportunity for residents to give input about Village of Bluffton parks and recreational facilities. The forum will include representatives from the Bluffton Parks & Recreation committee, the Pathway Board, and organizers who are fundraising for a new dog park and a new soccer complex.

On March 11, the Bluffton Soccer Club signed a partnership agreement to work with the Village of Bluffton on developing a 7-field soccer complex with a multipurpose building, playground and walking path on land adjacent to Snider Rd. near Main St. The land has been donated by SumiRiko Ohio, Inc. See related article HERE.

The Bluffton Dog Park Association is raising funds for a Bluffton Community Dog Park near the Village Arboretum on Lake Street. The Village of Bluffton is providing the land and will own the dog park, but the funds to create fencing and other infrastructure depends on donations. See related article HERE.

Interactive sticker board surveys and input boards will be open for resident suggestions. The meeting is not limited to the topics above.

If it should rain, the event will be moved inside the Bluffton Sportsman Club on Spring St.

For those who are unable to attend, the Village will have information available at Bluffton Town Hall, 154 N. Main St.
