Ceremonies establish Bluffton High School Leo Club

Photos by Dennis Morrison

Youth in Bluffton have formed a Leo Club with the sponsorship of the Bluffton Lions Club, joining some 7,700 Leo chapters across the world. Creating “Leadership, Experience, Opportunity” is the goal of these Lion-affiliated clubs.

On Tuesday, March 4, the Leo Club was formally established with a charter night that included induction of 31 members and installation of these officers:


Charter Officers

President Ava Smallcombe
Vice President Keith Burkholder
Secretary Claire Phillips
Treasurer Lillian Dagani
Directors Nora Matthews, Macy Schaadt, Avery Ulrey



Charter Members 

Owen Armstrong
Emma Beach
Mallory Blackburn
Ellie Bogart
Owen Brauen
Keith Burkholder
Ollie Combs
Lillian Dagani
Calvin Derstine
Willow Derstine
Phoebe Edwards-Leeper
Bella Ellerbrock
Megan Follas
Xandra Gattchel
Karden Geiser
Emily Granger

Ethan Hoffman
Kate Klinger
Nora Matthews
Ashley McLaughlin 
Jaicelyn Morris
Greta Myers
Claire Phillips
Haelee Rayle
Isabella Recker
Macy Schaadt
Lily Schneck 
Ali Shilling
Ava Smallcombe
Ethan Smith
Avery Ulrey
Kaydrie Wehrly



Lion Natalie Armstrong
Lion Andy Armstrong
Lion Laura Dagani
Lion Cindy Lee

The ceremony program was led by Lion President Jackie Bourassa, Lion Dick Boehr, Lion Mark Bourassa and Lion Vice President Dwain Hall. The speaker was past Council Chair Darlene Roll. The history of the BHS Leo Club History was presented by Lion Natalie Armstrong.

A Village of Bluffton proclamation was presented by Mayor Richard Johnson. The presentation of gifts was made by PDG Lion Barbara Plaugher.