Lift access added to Bluffton Senior Center back entrance

Provided by the Bluffton Senior Center

The Bluffton Senior Center is happy to announce that it now has a lift for visitors to use at the back entrance. This will allow anyone who has trouble with steps to access the building from the municipal parking lot.

The lift can bring people and materials up the 22 inches from the parking lot into the building where there is an automatic door.

The Bluffton Senior Center Board thanks the Allen County Board of Developmental Disabilities for the Accessible Communities Grant that helped pay for the lift and its installation. The board would also like to thank the Village of Bluffton, administrator Jesse Blackburn; Mayor Rich Johnston and the Village Council for their help on the project.  MORE ▶︎

The board also thanks the following businesses for their work on the project:

Bluffton Paving
Brick Street Studio, LTD, Ottawa
County Electric, Ottawa
Ed’s Home Improvements, Bluffton
Enbridge Gas of Ohio

Next Day Access, Toledo
Patriot Concrete, Bluffton
Superior Aluminum, Russia, OH
Wood County Building Inspection

The board also thanks Larry Core for spearheading the project. The lift is available for use whenever the Senior Center is open. Please call the Center and ask for help if needed. The staff is happy to show you how it works.