Bluffton University

The Bluffton University men's basketball team came from behind in the second half to pick up a 61-56 win over North Central in their first contest of the 2010-11 season on Friday, Nov. 19, at the Gregory Arena. The Beavers are 1-0 while North Central begins with a 0-1 mark.

Bluffton biologist to outline research in the Rockies

Dr. Robert Antibus, professor of biology at Bluffton University, will discuss the importance of the whitebark pine tree in the northern Rockies and its critical role in holding high-elevation communities together at 4 p.m. Friday, Dec. 3, in Stutzman Lecture Hall in Bluffton's Centennial Hall. The colloquium is free and open to the public.

Nine Bluffton University students traveled to New York City Nov. 3-7 to attend the Mennonite Central Committee United Nations Office Seminar, an annual conference held to raise awareness of important world issues.

December 2010 events are free and open to the public unless noted otherwise.

Dec. 3 Colloquium: "Whitebark Pine Decline in the Greater Yellowstone: A Story of Birds, Bears and the Precious Dust of Galadriel," sabbatical report by Dr. Robert Antibus, professor of biology, 4 p.m., Stutzman Lecture Hall, Centennial Hall

Five years ago, a biblical prophecy became particularly pertinent to Scott Sundberg and his family. The little child who led them was Sundberg's older son Leif, then 5, whose "prophetic voice" seemed intended to change his father's behavior-and destined to change his life.

About a year later, Sundberg, his wife Wendy and their two sons left Southern California for what he calls a "cross-cultural experience" in Lancaster, Pa., where he became communications director for Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS).

An almost 50-year span of Bluffton athletics is represented in the university's Athletics Hall of Fame class of 2010-11, which will be inducted during a Jan. 29 dinner and ceremony in Marbeck Center.

Inductees are J. Roger Howe '49, Charles Stapleton '78, Louis Stokes '73 and the 1992 softball team.

Roger Howe
