All Bluffton Icon News

2019 Bluffton University alumnus Lindsay Horn returned to campus the week of March 17, 2024, for spring semester’s Spiritual Life Week.

The Bluffton PTO is hosting hands on science fun for the whole family this Friday, April 5 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. This is a come and go event held in the elementary gym, middle school gym and middle school cafetorium. Jackson St. doors at the ES and MS will both be open for entrance.

At 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, April 7, Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 301 North Main Street, Jenera, will host a concert by the Concert Choir from Michigan Lutheran Seminary, Saginaw, Michigan.

The total solar eclipse on the afternoon of Monday, April 8 is expected to bring a lot of traffic to Northwest Ohio. Many Blanchard Valley Health System offices and practices are adjusting their hours or having staff work remotely for part or all of the day of the eclipse to accommodate the community’s needs.


The full March newsletter from the Bluffton Lions Club is HERE.

April 2 - Bluffton Lions Club meeting 6:30 p.m. Town Hall. 
To discuss Festival of Wheels.  Board to meet at 6:00 p.m.  

April 5-6 -  District Convention Hilton Garden Inn, Findlay.

April 8 -  Scholarships in. To serve on this committee, contact Lion Barbara Plaugher.

By Fred Steiner
Bluffton Icon and Ada Icon founder

Adella Steiner Oyer
Dec. 6, 1900 – Nov. 27, 1964
Bluffton High School class of 1920

Adella Steiner Oyer’s teaching career begin at age 21 in a one-room rural Richland Township school, driving a horse and buggy to school each day. By the end of her career she had attained an impressive 37½ years of teaching, which at the time was the greatest number of teaching years accumulated by any Bluffton teacher.

Of her teaching years, three were in Richland Township rural country schools–one year at Hillville school and two at Phillips school. 

Those teaching duties included:

• arriving prior to school to light the potbelly stove
• cleaning the school room after students left for the day
• a combination of miscellaneous responsibilities including playground duty
• teaching eight grades at once–with up to three dozen students in the room

