The following Bluffton Exempted Village Schools newsletter for Summer 2024-2025 is appearing in hard copy in mailboxes across the district. It includes a letter from Superintendent Greg Denecker, financial information for the 2023-2024 general fund, permanent improvement projects, new additions to staff (including new elementary school principal Kori Bernal), event and no school dates and contact information.
Bluffton High school seniors Maia Gearing and Leo Gearing, who are members of the Hancock County Gold Star 4-H club, competed on July 19 in the Ohio State Junior Fair dairy goat show.
Maia won 1st place in Senior Showmanship and 1st in class for Junior Nubian.
Leo won 3rd place in Senior Showmanship, 2nd place in class for Junior Nubian and 1st place in class for Senior Nubian over 3 years.
Leo and Maia also competed in the open class American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA) with Maia taking 4th for Junior Nubian and Leo taking 2nd for Junior Nubian. Leo won ADGA Reserve Grand Champion Junior Nubian.
The competition was held at the Ohio State Fairgrounds in the Voinovich Livestock and Trade Center Mezzanine. Dairy goat breeds included Alpine, American, Lamancha, Nigerian, Dwarf Nubian and Toggenburg.
Evelyn J. Conley, age 91, of Lexington, Kentucky, formerly of Ada, passed away on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at the Homestead Post Acute in Lexington, Kentucky.
You turn on the tap and the water flows all day, every day. Is there a fire? You call 911 and the Bluffton Fire Department comes in mere minutes armed with high tech trucks and immense water power.
As shared on Facebook, Bluffton's Janean Shannon (on right) is the bronze medalist in the women's heptathalon for the 2024 World Masters Athletics Championships in Gothenburg, Sweden. What's a heptathalon? Long jump, high jump, javelin, shot put, 800 meters, 200 meters, 80 meter hurdles,
The Board of Commissioners of the Johnny Appleseed Metropolitan Park District will hold their monthly Board meeting, on Tuesday, Aug. 20 at 9:00 a.m. at the Park Conference Room.