All Bluffton Icon News

Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio will host several open houses of it Maple Crest and Mennonite Home duplexes in March.

"If this winter has been taxing on your health, well-being, or ability to maintain your home or property, come and learn about how the benefits of living within the MHCO community can enhance your life," said Julie Stratton, marketing director of MHCO.

This plate could be a combination of "Rose" and "Ed." Or, we could be way off and it may be something completely different. The Icon spotted this plate on Cherry Street.

Next phase: clean up

Harold Rau uses a forklift to dump flooded carpet from a rental property on Cherry Street on Tuesday.

Attention churches in the Icon viewer area. The Icon will publish all Ash Wednesday service and mid-week Lenten service information during the season of Lent.

Simply send your church Lenten schedule to The Icon at [email protected]

Craig Stone will open Stoney's Barbershop in mid-March

Watch for a barber pole to return to 125 N. Main Street - lower level, if you please.

Richard Boehr, owner of the building, informed The Icon this week that by mid-March Craig Stone will open Stoney's Barbershop in the storefront of the former Jerry's Barbershop.

Stone, who is currently renovating the barber shop says he intends to be open for business on Wednesday, March 16. He is a 2006 Upper Scioto Valley High School graduate and in January 2010 graduated from the Ohio College of Barber Styling, Columbus.

Notice the high flood marks on Spring Street near the Buckeye.

NOTE: March 2 update: Rick Skilliter, Bluffton police chief, has place preliminary estimates for the Feb. 28 flooding at $145,400.


The clean-up phase of the Feb. 28 flood took center stage Tuesday. The village placed dumpsters on Cherry Street, Railroad Street and Riley Street as residents ripped up carpets and all sorts of ruined furniture and personal belongings, placing them in the dumpsters.
