All Bluffton Icon News

Story filed at 11 a.m. Monday, Feb. 28.

As the Icon continues to provide information on the flooding in Bluffton we invite viewers with photo to e-mail them to [email protected].

The Icon has created a flood photo folder. Please identify the photographer and any people in your photos. Send them as jpgs 72 to 300 resolution.


Denny Morrison provide The Icon with this black and white snapshot. It is of Denny's father-in-law, Allan McCluer and Denny's wife Donna McCluer Morrison (sitting on the tractor). Also in the picture is Mr. Hardwick, operator of the Marathon station, which was located at the corner of Elm and Main. Today it is the A to Z Portion Meats buildling. Denny say he still has the can of oil that is being given to Al.

The March Bluffton Senior Citizens newsletter is now available on The Icon. To view it, open the pdf at the bottom of this story.

Checking the aroma

Phil Zimmerly takes in the aroma of one of Saturday's chili cook-off entries at the library. Phil was one of the judges of the event. To see who won and watch videos of the event click here.
