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Bluffton Hospital has received high scores in the latest Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) patient satisfaction survey.

The most recent HCAHPS survey results show that 87 percent of responding patients gave Bluffton Hospital an overall rating of '9' or '10' (on a scale where '0' was the lowest score and '10' was the highest).


What's on at the Carma Theater? Looks like the laugh riot of the year. Which leads to the question, what is the year. Based upon the yellow and black license plates, the year is 1971. The photo is taken from the steps of the Bluffton post office. Hey, is that Joe's Pizza on the west side of the street? Paul Diller took this photo. It is from the Jim Diller collection.

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Let's focus on spring, shall we? Here's one way to focus: simply watch the birds in the Mennonite Home aviary. It may not get you to March 20, but it's a start.
