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Bluffton scouts have a busy and active October, according to
Darrell Groman, Troop Asstistant Scoutmaster and Pack Webelos Leader.

Here are some of the activities planned:

Saturday Oct. 16: afternoon the Bluffton Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts will be taking (unmarked) yellow bags around Bluffton with a flyer stuck inside for our "Scouting For Food" drive.

Here's a view of the Bluffton homecoming parade that is never seen by the Main Street parade watchers. In view are the BHS homecoming court cars in line prior to the parade. The photo was taken from The Centre parking lot looking south on Snider Road.

Cherrie Koontz of Bluffton is the Mennonite Memorial Home employee of the month for November.

She has been employed at MMH since November 1990 and is the presently the assistant dietary manager.

On Aug. 25, MMH resident Kathleen Mikkelsen was in a dilemma. How was she to feed her guests? Cherrie helped her resolve the problem with extra goodies, utensils, and then went out of her way by helping Kathleen get a pizza so she could have a nice dinner for her guests.

This extra effort is what makes Cherrie a great asset to the dietary department.

Bulletin board created by university volunteer

Several Bluffton University students volunteer at the Mennonite Memorial Home. As part of their class requirements, especially in the social work arena, students volunteer from 10 to 15 hours.

MMH and Maple Crest have several students doing a variety of activities which include decorating the bulletin boards, calling BINGO, passing out water to residents, cleaning bird cages, serving refreshments and playing games with residents.

Here's a plate that's been around for several years. It is on a vehicle of the Frankart family.

Everyone loves the holidays in Bluffton. Here's one way persons interested in promoting Bluffton's various holiday light shows may help.

The Gift of Giving light show extravaganza - now in its third year to be displayed across from Harmon Field - invites the support of all area businesses, organizations and individuals. Sponsors are being invited to help defray costs of the show.
