Bluffton EMS Chief Jan Basinger reported that January 2023 was another busy month for the village's "volunteer" crews with 41 Medical Calls, 13 Hospital to Hospital Transports, 3 Motor Vehicle Accidents, 8 Fire Calls and 1 Medical Mutual Aid Call. There were 66 total calls and 50 patients were taken to a hospital. The crews are volunteers in that they all hold other jobs.
The January student of the month at Bluffton High School is Jacob Szabo, the son of Jeremy and Julia Szabo of Bluffton. Jacob is a senior with a 3.883 GPA.
Jacob was a member of the Bluffton High School band his freshman year including marching, concert, pep and jazz bands. He has also been a member of the varsity baseball team.
He attends and is a member of Redeemer Covenant Church in Arlington. He also attends a Bible study group hosted by freshman classmate Liliana Liberato.
On February 3, the Bluffton Area Ministerial Association announced,
"This morning the Bluffton Area Ministerial Association and Community Assistance donated 11 cases of tissue boxes to Bluffton Schools with the help of Community Markets right here in town.
By Karen Kier, Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team
In 1976, Elton John and Kiki Dee released the duet Don’t Go Breaking My Heart. The song was written by Elton John and Bernie Taupin under the pseudonyms of Ann Orson and Carte Blanche. The single was never on an original Elton John album, but appeared on the 1994 release Duets.
Elton John sang the same duet with Miss Piggy on The Muppet Show. He performed the duet again with Kiki Dee for the Live Aid concert, but has done performances with RuPaul, Minnie Mouse and the Spice Girls.
Friends of the Bluffton Public Library
145 South Main Street
Bluffton, Ohio 45817
Dear Friends and Prospective Members,
It's time again to think about supporting the Friends of Bluffton Library by renewing your membership. The Friends now have over 40 members, and we look forward to continued growth.
The Friends of Bluffton Public Library is a service organization--our main goal is raising money for library programs that can no longer be funded by the library board due to cuts in state funding. This past year the Friends have provided money for library programs, needs, and projects. These programs include early literacy and youth programs, adult programs, outreach and continuing staff development.