The Rhodes State Physical Therapist Assistant Club will sponsor "Run for the Health of It!", a Fun Walk/5k Run, at 10 a.m. Saturday, April 17.
The 3.1-mile course, which will be mapped out and blocked off, is located on the James A. Rhodes State/OSU Lima campus, 4240 Campus Drive, Lima, OH 45804. Parking in campus parking lots will be available to all runners.
Pre-registration deadline is April 5, 2010. Cost is $18 with t-shirt, $10 without t-shirt. Only pre-registered runners will receive a t-shirt. No shirts will be available for purchase on race day.
It's getting warmer! The lowest "high" temperature reading in the past seven days was 39 on March 26. Here are the highs and lows for the past seven days, reported by Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.
The Bluffton Area Ministerial Association (BAMA) invites the community to join in the annual Community Good Friday observances on Friday, April 2.
The event begins with the procession of the cross through town at 11:30 a.m. The procession will start from St. Mary's Catholic Church and will end at English Lutheran Church, the host site for the worship service (located at 111 Grove St.).
The route for the procession follows:
oFrom St. Mary's, east on Elm to Jackson, south on Jackson to First United Methodist Church,
The Blufftom Area Ministerial Association announced that the Community Meal for Thursday, April 1, has been cancelled for the Maundy Thursday holy day. The community meal for the third Thursday of the month, April 15, will take place as scheduled.
Rev. Kevin Mohr has announced the Holy Week schedule for English Lutheran Church.
On Maundy Thursday, April 1, is a service of holy communion at 7:30 p.m. The theme for the evening will be "Where is God in the Upper Room?" and the service will include a footwashing ceremony for those in attendance who wish to participate, and will conclude the ritual stripping of the altar in preparation for the community Good Friday service the next day at 12:05 p.m.
St. John Mennonite Church, Pandora, will hold a marriage enrichment conference, Friday and Saturday, April 9-10, at the church located at 15988 Road 4, Pandora.
The conference will be led by Bill and Ann Harris and it is open to singles, recently married, married for years or couple who are dating.
Bill Harris was formerly a newscaster with Channel 13, Toledo, and is the founder of Rapture Ministries. He and his wife, Ann, present the biblically-based seminars.
The Mennonite Memorial Home and Maple Crest Senior Living Village honored their volunteers at a special reception March 30. The reception was held at The Mennonite Memorial Home chapel. Staff and residents took time to thank those who came for all they did throughout the year. Each volunteer received a gift bag to take home.
The Mennonite Memorial Home has over 250 volunteers working in different positions at the Home. These volunteers have logged in 3,917 hours at MMH. That's 75 hours a week that volunteers are giving to MMH, which is almost two full-time employees.
Teams are forming for the 2010 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Allen County Golf For Kids' Sake fundraiser.
This year's event is held Saturday, June 12, at Hidden Creek Golf Club, 6245 Sugar Creek Road, Lima. The event begins at 9 a.m. with a shotgun start.
Entry fees are $220 per team, which includes golf for four, carts, drink tickets and Mulligans. The event also has a $200 first place payout with second and third and highest score prizes.
Over 200 youths in Allen County between the ages of 6 and 14 rely on the services of Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Icon viewers:
How is the census sent out? Areas are divided into sections and each section is sent the census form at a different time. In Bluffton there are several different sections and not all sections have received the form.
It you haven't received it, don't panic. It should be coming. Please complete and send back as soon as possible. Sincerely,
Nancy L. Benroth
Assistant Village Administrator
Bluffton Icon:
First, I want to congratulate you on a great website! I was excited when I found it as I was looking for information on an old school in Allen County - Diller School.
I don't think you know me. I lived in Pandora for 11 years on the family homestead. We bought the farm on which my mother was born from my Uncle Clifton Neuenschwander. It's located on Road R between Road 3 and Road 4.