October 2010

Dr. Alan K. Jacobs, M.D., a neurology specialist, will speak at a program on Multiple Sclerosis held Wednesday, Nov. 17, at The Centre at Bluffton, 601 N. Main St. Registration is at 6:30 p.m. and the program begins at 7 p.m.

The first oral medications (Fingolimod) For MS has been approved by the FDA. With this brings many question for a person with MS if the risk worth it and what are the risk. Dr. Jacobs will give his opinion on this new drug and answer any other question one may have.

I usually have a pdf flyer with all of the info for the Mad River Mountain Ski
Swap. I hope that this link will suffice:


Sunday Nov. 7 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. is is the Mad River Mountain Ski Patrol's biggest fundraiser, according to Neil Hauenstein of Bluffton and a member of the organization.

The third annual Cabaret at Bluffton First United Methodist Church will be held at 3 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 7, in the sanctuary at 116 Church St.

The event includes a fun afternoon of musical offerings from a variety of performers in the Bluffton area. Proceeds will benefit the Bluffton Food Pantry and the First UMC Scholarship Fund.

General admission tickets may be purchased at the church office (419-358-8921), at Greg's Pharmacy in Bluffton, or at the door. Cost is $8 for adults, $6 for senior citizens and students, and children 12 and under are free.


Can you identify this house? The photo was taken by Will Triplett around 1900. He didn't write the location of the house in his notes.

If you can imagine the difficulties faced in 2010 to remove heavy snow from village streets and sidewalks, imagine the task in 1900. This was a "school closed" day in Bluffton.

Season-ending stats for the Bluffton High School football team were released following the season-ending loss to Columbus Grove on Oct. 29. Stats include the Grove game, team stats and player stats. All of this material may be downloaded from the attachments at the bottom of this page.

The Icon thanks Jim Raabe, BHS athletic director, for supplying this material.

How often do you see an Alaskan license plate in Ohio? The Icon spotted this one in Pandora.

Over 1,000 food items were collected by Scouts from Bluffton BSA Troop 256 on Sunday Oct. 24. Sorting the donated canned food items, from left to right, are Clay Burkholder, Jack Burrell, Tyler King, Jared Metzger, Carrick Lancaster and Misha Groman.

Thanks to the residents of Bluffton who donated food items to the Bluffton Food Pantry at a time when "the cupboards were bare," a time of critical need as Thanksgiving and Christmas approaches.


This election is about The Poor vs. The Rich, Main Street vs. Wall Street, and Bigotry vs. Justice. I want to stand with the poor, local economies and to fight against racism, Islamophobia, and sexual discrimination. That gives me a straight Democratic ticket.

Unfortunately, this election is being fought with negative campaign ads that are outright lies, paid for by un-sourced and unlimited money. Why not just give up Democracy and let the top thousand richest people make the decisions? Sadly, that's kind of how it is already.


The Bluffton Athletic Boosters will have a short ceremony at the end of the half-time during the Bluffton home football game against Columbus Grove. This will serve as the ceremonial "Burning of the Mortgage" for the Ricky Matter Strength and Conditioning Center. This building is dedicated to the memory of Ricky Matter who tragically died in an auto accident on Feb. 14, 2004.

Area businesses have the opportunity to participate in two November events sponsored by the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce. Each benefits businesses in different ways at a very economical cost. Both events have table space available for businesses - similar to the showcase events at Bluffton University in September.

Business network event - Thursday, Nov. 18

The chamber invites businesses and their employees to a free "After Hours" networking mixer from 5 to 7 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 18, at The Centre, 601 N. Main St.
