October 2010

The Bluffton Hospital ER Department roof installation begins next week. In addition, several other projects will proceed, including:

New Emergency Department

Geraldine Bucher, 93 died at 1:10 p.m., Friday, Oct. 22, 2010 at the Mennonite Memorial Home, Bluffton. Arrangements are incomplete at Chiles-Laman Funeral Home, Bluffton.

Election Day Meals at Bluffton First UMC

Bluffton First United Methodist Church, 116 Church St., will hold its annual election day meal on Tuesday, Nov. 2.

Lunch will be served from11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and the menu consists of homemade soups ($2), sandwiches ($2), salads (75 cents), desserts ($1.50), and beverages (50 cents).

Dinner will be served from 4:30 p.m. - 7 p.m. Cost is $7 for adults and $3.50 for children 10 and under. The dinner consists of baked steak, escalloped potatoes, green beans, roll, dessert and beverage.

Carrick Lancaster delivers a white bag to a house for Scouting For Food. The Bluffton Scouts will be collecting donated non-perishable food items (canned) for the Bluffton Food Pantry on Sunday, Oct. 25 afternoon.

Has to be a zip code. That means it's probably a postmaster's plate. We spotted this plate in 45817 land, but our hunch is that this one belongs somewhere in Hancock County.

Crystal Wilkinson, author of the short story collections Blackberries, Blackberries and Water Street, will give a public reading at 4 p.m. Monday, Nov. 1, in Bluffton University's Musselman Library.

Wilkinson, a faculty member in the Master of Fine Arts writing program at Spalding University in Louisville, Ky., is currently a visiting professor and writer in residence at Morehead (Ky.) State University.

The Bluffton Middle School September Pirates of the Month were recently announced. Click here to view their photos. They are:

6th Grade:

Tyler McLaughlin, son of Jim and Lisa McGlaughlin, Bluffton. Tyler is a member of the Bluffton Bucs football team and plays basketball and baseball. He attends St. Mary's Catholic Church.

Hepcat Revival Swing Band from Toledo performs music of the 1940s at 7 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 23, in the Town Hall Concert Series. The event is sponsored by the Bluffton Cultural Affairs Committee.

The concert is on the third floor of the town hall and admission is by donation.

The seven-piece band decked out in the full regalia of the latest fashions of the 1940s performs music of Louis Prima, Big Joe Turner, Cab Calloway and Louis Jordan, as well as their own compositions.

Peaches the Cat

15 minutes with Peaches the Cat

So, I understand you're miffed because of the interview in The Icon with Ike the Iconoclast.

Miffed doesn't come close to describing my feelings.

So, what's this all about?

Ike's a dog, you nit wit.


I'm a feline...member of the family that brought you the lynx, the puma, the bobcat, the saber-tooth cat, the...

Okay, I get it. So, tell me about yourself.

Thursday, Oct. 21, is the date of the next community meals scheduled by the Bluffton Area Ministerial Association.

The meal is at 6 p.m., held at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center and is hosted by Mennonite Memorial Home.

The meal is open to the public. Donations accepted are given to the Bluffton Community Assistance Program food pantry.
