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Hospital roof installation begins next week

The Bluffton Hospital ER Department roof installation begins next week. In addition, several other projects will proceed, including:

New Emergency Department

  • The installation of roof will begin the first of the week.
  • First floor concrete will be poured within the next two weeks.
  • Handrails will be placed on the stairs.
  • The air handler for the area will be lifted to the roof and set on Friday. This will require Harmon Road to be closed from the Emergency Department entrance to the concrete parking lot to allow the crane to lift the equipment. No one will be allowed inside the new construction area while this air handler equipment is being lifted and moved into place.
  • The installation of wood blocking for roof material transition continues on the roof near the eyebrow.
  • Masonry work on the Harmon Road side of the building continues, and concrete columns that will support the new Emergency Department canopy are being built.
  • Work continues on metal studs, exterior eyebrow and exterior board installation.

Lot behind the existing hospital

  • Preparation work for underground services to the propane and oxygen tanks continues. The concrete will be poured for the pads to hold the propane and oxygen tanks.
  • Curb and sidewalk work will begin.

New Surgery Area

  • Ductwork and electrical conduits continue to be installed.
  • Metal stud and drywall work continues for interior walls.
  • For your safety and the safety of our contractors, all associates and visitors should refrain from entering the work site at any time without prior authorization and without appropriate safety equipment.

Tours of the construction site must be scheduled by calling Bluffton Hospital and must be conducted by a construction team escort.
