Lent services continue this week for several Bluffton churches. This week's schedule follows (Wednesday through Sunday, April 6 to 10):
St. John's and Emmanuel ^aEUR"United Church of Christ^aEUR"
Sunday, April 10 - at St. John's UCC, 6 p.m., ^aEUR"
Theme: Overheard conversations on the Cross
Bluffton Presbyterian Church
Sunday, April 10 - Rev. Donald Rock, guest pastor
Bluffton's next American Red Cross blood drive is from noon to 6 p.m., Thursday, April 7, at St. Mary's Catholic Church. The Bluffton drive is part of National Volunteer Week slated for April 10 through 16.
How to Donate Blood
To schedule an appointment to donate call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit redcrossblood.org for more information.
There's still time to RSVP for the Friday, April 8, Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce breakfast.
A proposed Bluffton Heritage Center Project is the topic of the breakfast held in the third floor of the town hall. The breakfast is free and open to the public, but RSVPs are required by 5 p.m., Wednesday, April 6, to [email protected]. Richland Manor provides the breakfast for the chamber.
Based upon RSVPs already made, this could be the largest attended breakfast of the season for the chamber.
The Bluffton EMS will hold a chicken barbecue from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Sunday, April 10. Serving is at the EMS building, behind the fire station on Main Street.
Tickets are available for $6 each. Tickets are available from Jan Basinger at 419-236-1965, or by contacting any EMS member.
The meal includes one-half chicken, baked potato, green beans and a roll. Proceeds benefit the Bluffton EMS.
Desserts are available for additional cost provided by and to benefit Bluffton First United Methodist youth group.
April bargains of the month are now on sale at Family True Value Hardware, 109 N. Main St.
According to Jeff Kantner, store owner, bargains of the month include special prices for weed and feed law fertilizer, 2-gallon reliever sprayer and compact fluorescent blubs.
To download a copy of this month's bargains open the attachment at the bottom of this story or open click here to go to The Icon display/classified ad page. The advertisement is also listed on that page.
Southgate Lanes recognized junior league bowlers in its annual end-of-season awards ceremony held April 2. John Dailey and Derek Dukes presented the awards.
The Internal Revenue Service reminded taxpayers that they have two weeks remaining until the April 18 filing deadline and that they can use IRS Free File to do their taxes or file an extension.
As of March 25, the IRS has received more than 82 million individual income tax returns, which is 58 percent of the 141 million returns expected this year. The IRS has received about the same number of returns so far this year as it did at this time last year, while processing of returns is up 3 percent from the same time last year.
Roberta June Manges McKinney, 84, died Monday, April 4, 2011 at Sunrise Assisted Living of Gahanna, Ohio, where she had lived for the past five years.
She was born June 27, 1926 to Byron and Mary (Lehman) Manges in Hancock County. Growing up on the family farm, she was involved in 4-H and traveled to Chicago, Ill., to represent Ohio in a national 4-H event.
She received her Bachelor's Degree from Bluffton College in music and education. She taught music in grades 1-12 both band and choir and directed musicals.