June 2014

The churches of Pandora and Gilboa are offering food boxes for households in the Pandora-Gilboa School District. The boxes are designed to provide nine meals for a family of four.

In order to pick up a box, you must register by calling 419-384-3038 by 5 p.m. on June 15th. Boxes will be available to be picked up on Saturday June 28 at 11 a.m. at the Grace Mennonite Church, 502 East Main Street, Pandora.

The Bluffton Area Relay for Life will be held on June 20 and 21 at Bluffton University Salzman Stadium. The events begin at 6 p.m. on Friday, June 20 and conclude at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 21.

One of the activities on Friday is the Silent Auction, which begins at 5 p.m. with the bidding closing at 10 p.m. Winning bidders may pick up their items at that time. Winning bidders not present at the close of the auction will be contacted for pickup or delivery at a later date.

Mayor Judy Augsburger.

For the first time in the 153-year history of the Village of Bluffton, a woman presides in the mayor’s office. The historic event occurred during the Monday, June 2, council meeting.

Judy Augsburger, who became a council member on Jan. 1, 2014, is that woman. She succeeds Dennis Gallant as mayor. Gallant accepted a new job in Sandusky and resigned from his position on Monday evening.

Bluffton Shuffleboard Club Mildred and Clarence Brunn Doubles
May 29, 2014
Main Bracket

1st Place  Morris Groman & Fred Outcalt
2nd Place  Carlton Habegger & Jim Zink
3rd Place  Sandy & Mike Little
4th Place  Arlene McCague & Dale Spitnale

Consolation Bracket
1st Place  Sylvia & Dan Smith
2nd Place  Charles Rodabaugh & Steve Slaughterbeck
3rd Place  Betty & Bernie Baumgartner
4th Place  Ann Hoover & Don Wright

Opportunities like this don’t come along every day.

Here’s a chance for you to clean out your attic and do a good deed at the same time.

Beth Cogley, Bluffton High School teacher and Buccaneer yearbook advisor, notified The Icon that the yearbook collection at BHS has some missing volumes.

She invited The Icon to announce this in hopes that BHS yearbook holders who don’t know what to do with their old copies might find a donation to the school worthwhile.

It’s Vacation Bible School season.

Here is the VBS information the Icon has. Churches not on this list may send VBS information to [email protected].

The following births were reported to The Icon from Bluffton Hospital. Click here to view photos.

How many organizations in Bluffton can you name that have had a presence in the community for 90 years?

One of them is the Bluffton Weekday Christian Education/Release Time. Everyone who has come into contact with the program as a student, parent, volunteer, teacher or board member  will be able to celebrate the event on Saturday, June 14.

Here’s the May weather summary provided by Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

The high temperature of the month was 88 degrees on May 27. The low was 38 on May 6. May’s average temperature was 62 degrees. The normal May temperature is 60.5 degrees. May’s rainfall was 2.66 inches. The normal May rainfall is 4.01 inches.

The attachment at the bottom of this story reveals the daily temperatures during the month.


Chicken noodle soup
Roast beef BLT

Vegetable beef soup
Fish platter
Roasted corn and black bean wrap

Potato soup
Loaded veggie wrap
Philly cheese steak

Ham and bean soup
Crab cakes
Prime rib sandwich
