June 2014

The Alzheimer’s Support Group of Bluffton meets the third Monday of every month at 3:30 p.m. in the library of Mennonite Memorial Home. Facilitators include E. Koogler, LSW, and T. Herrmann, RN.

An Alzheimer’s diagnosis is not required. Support is offered to caregivers as well as to those affected by dementia or cognitive changes.

On Friday, June 20, Richland Manor will hold its Annual Cruise In at 7400 Swaney Road, Bluffton. From 4-7 p.m., cruise on over to Richland Manor for a community event including a cookout, cold treats and classic music.

Ashley Brooke Fields, formerly of Bluffton, and Jonathan David Lucas, formerly of Findlay, announce their engagement. The couple will be married Oct. 25, 2014 at St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church, Findlay.

Ashley is the daughter of Amie Stratton and Robert Fields of Bluffton. She graduated from Bluffton High School in 2007 and is a graduate of Ohio Northern University with a bachelor's degree in Nursing. Ashley is employed at Duke University Hospital in Durham, N.C. as a nurse in the cardiothoracic surgical step-down unit.

There are probably more nurses in Bluffton than you might expect.

Maple Crest hosted an alumni gathering of The Mennonite College of Nursing from Illinois State University, Normal, Ill., on June 16. Attending were several Bluffton residents who are graduates of the school.

Persons in the photo accompanying this story are, from left, Doris Garmatter Hamman,  Mary Ann Watkins, Marcie Sommer Duehr, Willadene Keeney, Elfrieda Landes Ramseyer and Janet Krejci. Click on photo to enlarge.

After a one-year absence, fireworks are returning to Bluffton.

The free community display takes place at dusk, which is approximately 9:30 p.m., Saturday, June 28, at the Bluffton University football stadium.

In addition to the fireworks, the Bluffton-Beaverdam-Richland Township United Way will sell 50/50 raffle tickets. The drawing for the 50/50 winner takes place at the stadium prior to the fireworks getting underway.


Here’s the June daily weather summary provided by Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer. The summary is in the attachment at the bottom of this story.

Bluffton Trinity UMC will be hosting a "Run For God" 12-week bible study and
5k training program.

Run For God classes are free and are open to all levels of runners/walkers. Classes will be held every Sunday at 7 a.m.. at the church, 2022 St. Rt. 103, Bluffton. Classes begin Sunday, June 22.

More information and online registration can be found on the church website
www.blufftontrinityumc.org. Participants do not need to pre-register and can join at any time during the 12-week session.

The Alphorns are coming to Swiss Day! On Sunday, June 29, the Swiss Community Historical Society’s annual celebration of Swiss Day will feature the Columbus Alphorn Group, which will play the horns and talk about this unique Swiss instrument. The event will take place at Ebenezer Mennonite Church, 8905 Columbus Grove Road, 2 miles west of Bluffton.

At 12:30 p.m. everyone is welcome to join in the potluck meal. Bring something to share at this always-delicious meal of Swiss- and farm-oriented food. Drinks will be provided.

Tell us about the “oldest” flower in your garden.

Here’s mine, and while it’s a vintage plant, the details are hazy. I don’t even know its official name.

In my back yard is blooming a white iris that is very fickle. It blooms once every three years or so. There are also some blue irises in the mix. I’ve never seen the blue and the white bloom the same year. Perhaps they don’t like each other.

County Line Church of the Brethren is hosting "SonWest Roundup" Vacation Bible School from 6-8 p.m from July 20-24. Ages 3 years old through 5th grade are welcome.

Participants may register during VBS or pre-register at the church office, 4227 N. Hardin (Allen/Hardin County Line Rd), Harrod. Call 419-649-5364 for more information.
