The aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, hasn’t surprised Dr. Walter Paquin, a Bluffton University faculty member.
“This is an event 20-plus years in the making,” says the assistant professor of social work. Paquin lived and conducted research in the area as a graduate student at Washington University in neighboring St. Louis, and revisited his study of black suburban neighborhoods this summer.
Bluffton will be a one-day biker's paradise in June.
Bill Gordon, director of The 27th Annual Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure (GOBA),
announced today that the 2015 tour, June 20-27, will feature a route in the northwestern
quadrant of Ohio, including an overnight stop in Bluffton.
The expected 2,500 riders will start gathering for the tour on Saturday, June 20, at the Van Wert County Fairgrounds in Van Wert.
December in Bluffton is busy. Here's a listing of many of the month's events that are opent to the public, compliments of the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce.
All month • Bluffton Blaze of Lights: Ream holiday folk art display on Bluffton Presbyterian Church lawn, 6 to 11 p.m.
• Gift of Giving light school extravaganza, East College Avenue, 6 to 11 p.m.
• For free map showing lights of Bluffton visit
If you need a Christmas tree decorated, call Larry Kinn. The Icon found Larry stringing lights on this tree in Common Grounds on Monday, at the request of Phil Zimmerly.
Although quite modest, Larry admits to some interesting tree decorating projects in his long career. We don't know truth from falsehood here, but bear with us for a moment.
Once upon a time there stood a Christmas tree atop Salzman Stadium. It was Larry's pet project. Knowing, however, the temptation of college boys when the tree was erected, well, it soon disappeared.
Can you name the corner where Stager one-room schoolhouse once stood? If we are not mistaken it stood on the northwest corner of Bixel and Tom Fett Road between Bluffton and Pandora.
Stager was a combined school district for Richland Township number 10 and number 13.
Here's a school card from the 1902-03 school yer. It also lists all the students and includes a photograph of Clara M. Greding, teacher.
PrimeTimers Fellowship will hold their annual Christmas party at noon, Tuesday, Dec. 2, at St. John Mennonite Church, 15988 Road 4, Pandora.
This is a monthly lunch gathering open to those 55 and older. This month’s menu is ham loaf, sweet potato casserole, scalloped corn, cranberry walnut bread, dessert and coffee.
PrimeTimers is a ministry of St. John Mennonite Church and Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio. For more information contact Kelly at 419-358-1015, ext. 102.
BLUFFTON, Ohio - Bluffton University center Thayne Recker (Arlington) earned All-Tournament Team honors at the Chicago Marriott Naperville Tip-Off Tournament over the weekend and has been named the Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conference Men’s Basketball Player of the Week.
A line of strong thunderstorms is track across western Ohio this morning mixing down very
strong winds aloft.
At 7:45 a.m. radar indicated a line strong thunderstorms extending from Union City, Ohio
to Greensburg, Ind. This line of storms was moving to the northeast at 50 m.p.h. and will impact portions of western Ohio (Lima, Ottawa, Findlay, Kenton) with gusts as high as 65 m.p.h. in the next several hours.
Ruth Naylor, Bluffton poet/writer will launch her newest book at Book ReViews as part Blaze of the Lights from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 29.
The book title is "Straw & All: A Christmas Poetry Collection." During her poetry reading and book signing Naylor will share Christmas experiences that inspired the poetry.
According to Elaine Sommers Rich, Naylor has a “rare ability to imbue Christmas trappings such as candles, trees, and presents with a spiritual aura.”