Bluffton seventh grader Rebekah Hoff steals the ball from an Ada player and hits 2 for the Pirates. Grace Myers (24) is there in case a rebound is needed. The game was last week. The 7th graders won.
For 22 years, Bluffton alumnus, Pandora native and respected Cincinnati lawyer, Ed Diller, served on Bluffton University’s Board of Trustees, including 10 years as chairman.
Citizens National Bank was recently named Bank of the Year by the Ohio Statewide Development Corp. (OSDC), according to Michael Romey, CNB president and CEO.
The Shannon Cemetery Commission will meet at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 9, in the third floor of the Bluffton town hall, according to Nancy Kindle, village fiscal officer.
Larry Burkhalter, resident of Maple Crest Senior Living Village, was honored on Jan. 29 with an opportunity to be the “resident art expert” for Vicki Garmon’s Bluffton High School photography class.
Seventeen students and a couple community members joined elders at Maple Crest for a unique show of framed photographs and slides taken around the world by Burkhalter.
The Internal Revenue Service has announced that it will significantly reduce the number of tax forms and instruction publications that it makes available through local public libraries.
According to the IRS, 95-percent of taxpayers filed their tax returns electronically during last filing season. As a result, the number of forms and publications that the IRS produces and makes available to the public will be reduced again this year.
Bluffton Family Recreation will offer classes in Tai Chi. Classes are held at 9 a.m. on Thursdays. The first class is Feb. 4, according to Joseph Beagle, BFR director.
Classes offer ways for participants to reduce stress, tai chi has evolved into a graceful form of exercise that's now used for stress reduction and a variety of other health conditions.
Often described as meditation in motion, tai chi promotes serenity through gentle, flowing movements.
For more information contact BFR at 419-358-4150. Classes take place at BFR, 215 Snider Road, Bluffton.
The Canada Geese at the Buckeye have special powers, and here's proof. Mary Pannabecker Steiner, using her cell phone, photographed this goose walking on the waters of the Buckeye.