June 2016

Try cleaning out your freezer. You never know what you’ll find. I did. I found a bag of rhubarb cut from last summer (2015 vintage).

It was encased in a global-formed block of ice and looked pretty shameful.

But, you know the saying, pour on some sugar – just a little – and suddenly you have the ingredients for a pie.

Recalling that quote, I went to work. This meant halting my cleaning job. Instead I put on my baking cap. Here’s what happened next.

Bluffton Public Library invites youth from Kindergarten through fifth grade to a learning program conducted by the Toledo Zoo and Aquarium at 1 p.m., Wednesday, June 22, at the library.

The program is titled Amazing Adaptations. Registration in advance is required.

Amazing Adaptations takes place in the library's lower level. Children who attaned will meet some of the aniamsl who call the Toledo Zoo their home.


On Monday evening, Bluffton council will act on the final reading of an ordinance set a surcharge on water and sewer accounts in the village.

The surcharge is based upon meter size. The range of meters in the village is from 5/8 inches all the way to 6 inches.

The accompanying charge shows the monthly surcharge.

Council will also act on adopting 2016 asphalt sealing project schedule. Street and alley committee has recommended using Nonnemaker, a Columbus Grove firm, for this project, at a cost of $11,870.

The Cadets, one of the oldest and most honored continuously operating drum and bugle corps in the country, will perform at Ohio Northern University’s Dial-Roberson Stadium on Monday, June 20, at 7:30 p.m.

The event is free and open to the public.

The nationally renowned corps will present its 2016 production, “Awakening.” The corps also will perform patriotic selections and classics from past seasons.

It’s an Icon Weekend. And, there’s lots going on.

The Icon’s 11-page weekend feature - CLICK HERE TO OPEN – offers a window to the events and activities in the Bluffton Icon and Ada Icon viewership areas from Saturday, June 18, through Friday, June 24.

"Weekend" is also accessible as an attachment at the bottom of this story.

Bluffton has a new service club.

It’s Riley Creek Arbor, formed this spring by Gary Reese of Faith Investment Services of Bluffton.

“This arbor is associated with Gleaner Life Insurance Society based in Adrian, Michigan,” said Reese. “An arbor is a local service club, organized and operated by Gleaner members. Gleaner supports the arbors with matching funds and donations to charities of their choice."

Riley Creek Arbor held a start-up dinner on June 2 at Jeanne’s Kitchen.

Several changes to the high school cross country postseason will take effect this fall after the Ohio High School Athletic Association’s Board of Directors approved a list of proposals from the OHSAA Cross Country Subcommittee earlier this week. The changes alter how schools are placed into divisions and how qualifying teams and individuals advance to the regional and state tournaments.

William J. Gordon
The cycling community lost a leader and friend Saturday morning when William J. Gordon passed away suddenly while biking with friends.

A Dublin resident, Bill was born Feb. 22, 1959 in Elyria, Ohio. He graduated from Huron High School in 1977, and from Ohio Northern University in 1981 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering.

This class photo has volumes and volumes of stories.

The Icon believes that it is the Bluffton High School of 1919 as second graders. We state this because that young man on the far right of the second row resembles William Hahn, uncle of the Icon owner. Add to that, the photo was in a chest of Hahn family photos.

That places this photo in the 1908-09 school year. Depending upon when the photo was taken, either Theodore Roosevelt or William Howard Taft was president.

Need sports apparel?

Sports Warehouse, 111 N. Main St., under new ownership since May, continues to expand its product selection of spirit wear and custom apparel.

According to Natalie Mueller, new owner, “We offer any imprinted material, mostly apparel. This ranges all the way caps, tee-shirts, tank tops, tote bags, hoodies, hats, towels, gym bags and lots of special-event apparel.”
