Council hears final reading of water-sewer surchange tonight

On Monday evening, Bluffton council will act on the final reading of an ordinance set a surcharge on water and sewer accounts in the village.

The surcharge is based upon meter size. The range of meters in the village is from 5/8 inches all the way to 6 inches.

The accompanying charge shows the monthly surcharge.

Council will also act on adopting 2016 asphalt sealing project schedule. Street and alley committee has recommended using Nonnemaker, a Columbus Grove firm, for this project, at a cost of $11,870.

The seal schedule (listed in the council agenda) calls for work at the Buckeye park basketball court, Buckeye park bike path, Bluffton swimming pool parking lot and National Quarry bike path.

Additional items on the Monday agenda are in the packet, which is an attachment to this story.