August 2016

Highs in 70s and 80s; lows in the 50s and 60s.

That's more like it. Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer, provides the daily weather summary for the past seven days.

Details are on the attachment below.

Bluffton's TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly), a weight-loss support group, meets each Tuesday at 6:30 p.m., in St. John's United Church of Christ, 223 W. College Ave., Bluffton.

Persons are invited to join at anytime. Call Sue at 419-358-4168 for details.

Bluffton University’s Institute for Learning in Retirement (ILR), an educational program for retirees, is offering six courses on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from Sept. 19-Oct. 27.
Each course costs $50; the cost to take two or more courses is $100. Registration and, if applicable, course fees are due at the time of registration. Sept. 15 is the deadline to register.
To register or for more information, contact Janet “JP” Schumacher, ILR director, at 419-358-3346 or [email protected].

It wasn’t a conventional groundbreaking.

Parkview Development broke ground on Monday (Aug. 22), as the Three S Development Group used a 300g John Deere excavator, which gobbled up 3 cubic yards of ground in one bite.

Three S Development Group, LLC, owners Jeff, Derek and Dan Snyder, will begin immediately developing the site. Lots are now available for sale.

Bluffton police officers investigated a citizen complaint late Friday (Aug. 19) about unhealthy conditions at the TLU Rescue located at 142 Vance St., Bluffton, according to Rick Skilliter, police chief. 

The initial investigation led officers to a Greding Street residence.

Officers requested the assistance of the Allen County Humane Society and the Allen County Dog Warden. As a result of the investigation, over 60 animals were removed from the facility and or residence.

The case has been turned over to the Humane Society for any further action.

Lions District Governor Sheryl Burnette was a recent Bluffton Lions Club guest.

She told the Lions members that her number one goal is to have fun.  

Speaking to Lions, she stressed that Lions clubs serve in the four areas of youth, vision, hunger and environment. The international goal of Lions is to serve 100 million people in these four areas.

“So far, 93 million people have been involved. Lions should lead through service, connect through commitments and invite our neighbors to join our clubs,” the district governor said.

Click here for Dick Weaver's obituary

What label best describes Dick Weaver?

Bluffton College professor for 39 years?
Cub Scout leader?
Conscientious objector during World War II?
Social-justice advocate?
Cross-cultural learning pioneer?
Perhaps, all of the above.

Dick’s impact on Bluffton and particularly Bluffton College and University is significant.

John Richard Weaver (J. Richard or Dick) died Friday evening, Aug. 19, 2016,  at the Mennonite Memorial Home in Bluffton, Ohio. 

Dick was born in Goshen, Ind., on Sept. 3, 1920, to Elnora (Kauffman) and John E. Weaver. He graduated from Goshen High School in 1938 as valedictorian.

He graduated from Bluffton College in 1942 with a degree in chemistry.

He entered Civilian Public Service (CPS) during World War II, serving in Sidling Hill, Pa., Ypsilanti, Mich., and La Plata, Puerto Rico. 

On June 8, 1943, he and Margaret Shelly were married. 

It is believed that this photo of Pandora was taken in 1912. The photo shows 12 large wagon loads of sugar beets. The crop was brought in to Pandora by horses. To the right is the Northern Ohio Railroad, later Akron, Canton and Youngstown Railroad.

We believe this photo looks west and that the track heads toward Columbus Grove. If that is the case, the road on the other side of the depot is today Jefferson Street, Pandora.

Several additional points in the photo, include what appear to be milk containers at the railroad depot.
