March 2019

By Jodi Bollenbacher, PA-C
Blanchard Valley Obstetrics & Gynecology

Annual pelvic exams for females of all ages is vitally important. As Pap smear guidelines have changed, some women assume they do not need to see their local gynecologist every year. However, your preventive visit is about much more than periodically screening for cervical cancer with a Pap smear.

There are many benefits to visiting your gynecologist’s office each year such as:

Final game for four seniors Alivia Koenig, Averey Rumer, Katie Prater and Ashley Eachus

By Sam Brauen
(OTTAWA) - In the first week of the girls' basketball season Bluffton and Arlington met in the finals of the McDonald’s Holiday Tournament. 

The Red Devils won the contest 40-39 and Bluffton hoped to get some revenge in the real tournament, the OHSAA Districts. 

In honor of Bluffton Sportsmen's Club 75th anniversary

The number one trout for this year's Trout Derby is named "Big 75" - not in reference to the nearby Interstate, but in honor of the 75th year of the Bluffton Sportmen Club's trout derby.

This year's derby is Sunday, May 5, at the Buckeye quarry.

Derby details
Trout number one is worth thousands in cash if caught during derby hours. The jackpot is built up with $5 donations to a 50/50 drawing.

Plus arts, maple syrup, music and lots more at the library in March

Creativity is in the air at the Bluffton Public Library in March.

The library hosts a Student Art Showcase, displaying artwork by local students and homeschoolers.

The showcase will begin on Thursday, March 7, with a launch party with refreshments from 6 to 7 p.m.  The artwork will be on display at the library for the rest of the month.

March is National Craft Month, so the library will offer a craft project every Friday for anyone to come in or take home and create.

7 to 9 a.m. Ash Wednesday, March 6, downtown Bluffton

From 7 to 9 a.m. on Ash Wednesday, March 6, a group of Bluffton area pastors will offer “Ashes to Go,” a new approach to a centuries-old Christian tradition, according to Rev. Karol Farris, pastor of Bluffton Presbyterian Church.

Ashes to Go are offered because the reminders of need, humility, and healing shouldn’t be confined to church buildings.
