Take back the night walk, Bluffton library, 8 p.m.

Come join us for a candlelit walk to empower and support survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, abuse and rape. Beginning at the Bluffton Public Library at 8 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 21, it will proceed to Ramseyer Theatre at the university ending with a program and ceremony.
Organized by A.S.S.K. in partnership with Rape Crisis Center of Crime Victim Services, this event was created to help raise awareness about rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse and domestic violence and the social discomfort they cause.
It is also sponsored by the P.E.A.C.E Club of Bluffton University and supported by Safe Spaces of Bluffton Univeristy. 'Take Back the Night' hopes to assert that it is wrong for people to live in fear. Your strength and courage in coming out to join us will help survivors know they are not alone.
The walk from the library to the university campus with candles through the dark signifies empowerment and not living in fear. (Bring your own candle).
Following this will be a program in which songs are sung, poems read, and there will be a chance for anyone to share their own story. United we can help ourselves and those in pain.
Please join us to 'Take Back the Night" within your community. (And if you're not convinced yet, we'll have free t-shirts!)

Monday, November 21, 2011