Scores bowled on: Feb.13
Boys High Game
Trevor Bunch 130
Trevor Bunch 130
Danny Setzer 114
Connor Dawson 111
Girls High Game
Molly McCracken 130
Ashley Sickles 121
Megan Davis 114
The food of Cameroon is rich in spices. The staple foods eaten by the people of Cameroon vary from region to region, depending on climate, and what is grown locally.
Eight Bluffton churches will come together in a worldwide ecumenical movement to observe a common day of prayer. The Bluffton service is at 7 p.m., Friday, March 5, at the Bluffton Presbyterian Church.
Services begin at sunrise in the Pacific and follow the sun across the globe on the day of celebration. Each year a different country serves as the writer of the World Day of Prayer worship service.
Note: Icon viewer Mary Ann Ring provided this timely cookie recipe.
Since the maple tapping season is almost upon us, we are lucky to have a few maple syrup making demonstrations in our area to check out. While you are at the Coldren-Crates Maple festival in Arlington or the Johnny Appleseed Maple Syrup Festival at Teddy Bear Park in Lima (both taking place March 13), pick up some maple syrup and try the maple sugar.
Issue #13
American McGee's Alice
Developer: Rogue Entertainment
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platform: Mac, PC
Rating: M for Mature
Not satisfied with his recent remake of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Tim Burton has wrangled Johnny Depp into unflattering makeup yet again, this time to play the Mad Hatter in a new version of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
The Marsh Run is a small stream that flows into Riley Creek near the Buckeye Quarry. This view from the Benroth Bridge shows how picturesque the spot is when there's snow on the ground and a sun to cast long shadows. To view other Icon feature photos click here.