Applicants Ryan and Jessica Meyer are asking the Village of Bluffton for permissions to convert the former True Word Tabernacle church at 104 East Elm St. into a multiple apartment facility. Allen County Assessor's records show the 9,844 square foot building was constructed in 1920 and renovated in 2004.
Notice is hereby given of a Public Hearing before the Bluffton Board of Zoning and Building Appeals on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, at 7:00 pm in the third-floor Community Room at the Bluffton Town Hall located at 154 North Main Street, Bluffton, Ohio. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the following:
The property owner of 104 East Elm St. located in a C-I Commercial District, is requesting to convert the existing building into 8 apartment units. The hearing is to consider both the approval of a conditional use for this property along with approved variance from the following Chapters and Sections of Village Code:
Chapter 153.142 Conditional Uses with Approval by the Village Board of Zoning and Building Appeals after a Public Hearing. (A). Single-, two-, three- and multi-family residential structures.