Zoning Hearing to consider conversion of church into apartments

Applicants Ryan and Jessica Meyer are asking the Village of Bluffton for permissions to convert the former True Word Tabernacle church at 104 East Elm St. into a multiple apartment facility. Allen County Assessor's records show the 9,844 square foot building was constructed in 1920 and renovated in 2004.

Notice is hereby given of a Public Hearing before the Bluffton Board of Zoning and Building Appeals on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, at 7:00 pm in the third-floor Community Room at the Bluffton Town Hall located at 154 North Main Street, Bluffton, Ohio. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the following:

The property owner of 104 East Elm St. located in a C-I Commercial District, is requesting to convert the existing building into 8 apartment units.  The hearing is to consider both the approval of a conditional use for this property along with approved variance from the following Chapters and Sections of Village Code:

Chapter 153.142 Conditional Uses with Approval by the Village Board of Zoning and Building Appeals after a Public Hearing. (A). Single-, two-, three- and multi-family residential structures.  


Chapter 153.145 Required yards in the C-I district (A), Residential uses.  Each residential use to be accommodated in the C-I Commercial District shall meet the minimum requirements of the R-III Residential District.

Chapter 153.123 Required Lot Area, Frontage and yard in the R-III Residential District

Variance from the minimum standards for a multi-family unit will be requested for: lot area (sq. ft.), lot width (ft.), front yard (ft.), and side yard (ft.).  

Chapter 153.306 Number of Parking Spaces Required. Off- street parking.

Jesse Blackburn
Village Administrator 

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Friday, February 21, 2025