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At 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 2, you can join local garden club members to learn about tomatoes from Master Gardener Stewart Coats of Hardin County. 

Coats will talk about starting, growing, soil conditions and disease control of tomatoes. Last year, Mr. Coats raised 1,600 pounds of produce for donation, and aims to beat that amount this year. Along with tomatoes, he grows onions, cucumbers, squash and more for donation, making him a great resource for anyone who has questions about growing those summer veggies.

On August 2, the annual National Night Out celebration will be hosted by the Bluffton and Pandora Police Departments, with fireworks sponsored by Bluffton chamber members. Family activities at the Bluffton Community Pool are 6:00-9:00 p.m., fireworks follow at about 9:30 p.m. NOTE: Prior to 7:00 p.m., parking at the Centre at Bluffton will be limited to those voting in the primary election. PHOTO Jamie Nygaard.

By Robert McCool

If you have read Tony Hillerman you know the legends and folktales about immortal beings living in the Sacred Mountains that surround the Dine'tah (Navajo reservation). Those same mountains protected the parched desert that is now the Dine'tah when the apocalypse drowned most of the world with the “Big Water.” And, after the Energy Wars there wasn't enough fuel to maintain the lifestyle we enjoy now. The world lay fallow and empty without an apology from anyone. These are dystopian tales.

PANDORA⎯The restored Bridenbaugh one-room school house near Pandora will host a 25th anniversary celebration of the reopening of the school. The school received a historical marker plaque from the Ohio History Connection in August 2019.

  • Open House on Saturday, August 13
  • 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
  • 14022 Road 6, Pandora

Light refreshments are available at noon. A short program will be presented at 1:00 p.m. followed by music from the Living Waters Gospel Group.

The Lima-Allen County Regional Planning Commission (LACRPC) has prepared and released for public review and comment “Amendments to the FY 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program” (TIP), including the following addition to funding for the Bluffton Bike and Pedestrian Pathway.

At its July 28 meeting, the Transportation Coordinating Committee (TCC) approved:


The Bluffton High School Class of 1962 celebrated its 60th reunion on Saturday, July 30.

Pictured here, left to right, are class members:

(Standing) Donna McCluer Morrison, Rachel Hilty Friesen, Chuck Amstutz, Dave Barnett, Scott Edwards, Sharl Steiner, Keith Klingler. 

(Seated) Jim Badertscher, Donna Basinger Lehman, Karen Gilbert Bash, Nancy Swank Young Yeager, Nancy Balmer Steiner, Jeanne Davis Smucker.  

The note shared with this photo: "Pirates all are we! BHS 1962!"
