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Here’s an accounting of the Bluffton EMS volunteer crew’s June 2022 calls for service, provided by Chief Jan Basinger:

46 Medical

9 Transports

6 Motor vehicle assistance

12 Fire calls

1 Mutual aid vehicle

3 Mutual aid medical

0 Special events



49 Patients transported


385 total to date for 2022


"The Tree of Life" is the theme of Vacation Bible School (VBS) at Trinity Lutheran School, 105 Allen Street, Jenera. 

Vacation Bible School will be held from Sunday, July 17-Thursday, July 21, from 6:00-8:00 PM. 

Each day of VBS will explore Bible accounts that guide us through the epic story of salvation with five interactive Bible lessons, music, games, crafts, and snacks.  

Registration is open for children ages 3-11 years old. The program is free but please register online at

Register in advance at 419-358-5016 or stop by the library

Fred Steiner will present a time machine tour of Bluffton going back over 140 years in a Bluffton Public Library summer reading program at 6 p.m., Tuesday, July 19, in the lower level of the library.

In a Power Point presentation, the program features dozens of photos taken by Bluffton pioneer photographer Will Triplett from the 1890s to 1920s-era. 

The NWO Lady Buckeyes fastpitch softball teams are holding tryouts for the 2022-2023 season at the Elida Varsity & JV Softball fields, 4500 Sunnydale St. The teams are a nonprofit traveling program.

6:00-8:00 p.m.

12U – Tuesday July 19th & Thursday July 21st

14U – Tuesday July 19th & Thursday July 21st

16U – Monday July 18th & Wednesday July 20th

18U – Monday July 18th & Wednesday July 20th

The Gardeners of the Bluffton/Pandora Area (GBPA) are inviting the public to a lecture given by Dave McPheron of Star Farms-Native Plants.

  • Tuesday, July 5
  • 6:30 p.m.
  • Bluffton Community Garden – 9900 block of S. Main St.

The event is free. From the organizers: "PLEASE bring a chair and a friend."

The club meets in Bluffton the first Tuesday of the month from March through December to discuss and hold outings related to gardening.

Appointments are needed for the July 6 Red Cross Blood drive at First United Methodist Church, 116 Church Street.

Schedule online or call 1-800-RED CROSS. This link will show you other drives near 45817 if this date is inconvenient.

Appointments as of this posting (8 a.m., July 4) were available from 10:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
