All Bluffton Icon News

This week the weather is cooperating with plans for The Usual Suspects to play from 5:00-7:00 p.m. in the alley next to Roots By Strattons, 111 S. Main St.

Bring a lawn chair and enjoy the live music in a downtown "pocket-park."

The Usual Suspects--Bob Beer, Charlie Saylor, and Eric Shellenbarger--are also regulars at the Bluffton Senior Citizen Center, Bluffton Farmers Market and Bluffton Public Library jam sessions.

June 28 public hearing for conditional use at 152 W. Riley St.

Upcoming Village of Bluffton public meetings are listed below and on under Notices.

Tuesday, June 28

  • Zoning Board of Appeals - 7:00 p.m. Request for conditional use at 152 W. Riley St.

Wednesday, June 29

Weather observations by Guy Verhoff

Editor: check out those high temperatures and all those zeros in the precipitation column. This is June?

The board of trustees of the Bluffton Public Library, 145 S. Main St., will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 28. Below are the minutes from the May board meeting, to be sumbitted for approval tonight.

These minutes give a sampling of the duties of the board and the workings of the library. These public meetings are held on the second floor in the library board room and are open to the public, as are these minutes.

Board Minutes for May 24, 2022 

Members Present: Robert Beer, Amy Mikesell, Carrie Phillips, Rob Scott, Chanda Smith, Nancy Yeager 

Does the "complete streets" concept ring a bell? The Village of Bluffton has created a Complete Streets Task force to create a plan to improve the safety of walkers and bike riders.

On June 22 the Icon joined a stroll along several streets with a small group task force members, Allen County health and planning staffers, and residents to test drive a feedback form, a.k.a. "Sidewalks, streets, and crossings walk audit."

Should you head over to the council meeting tonight?

Here's the agenda and packet for the Village of Bluffton council at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, June 27.
