...At the Bluffton Farmers Market--Saturdays 8:30 a.m.-noon, 102 S. Main--is where you'll find Greg Probst, the market manager. He'se pictured here with his daughter Makenna and their assortment of maple products. The Probst Family Farm has been in the family since 1897.
All Village of Bluffton meetings are open to the public; still, it's customary to see mostly empty chairs in the gallery. For the Monday, May 9 Regular Meeting of the Bluffton Village Council, at least a dozen observers had assembled by 7:00 p.m. Some were present for the embedded Public Hearing on Bob Fett's Chestnut Lane development, but most were present for an item noted “Thin Blue Line” in the Village Administrator's report. This item was addressed at the end of the meeting.
The April student of the month at Bluffton High School is Jack Hohenbrink, a junior with a 3.920 GPA. He is the son of Craig and Mandy Hohenbrink of Bluffton.
Hohenbrink is a member of the student senate, manages the concession stand during winter sports and is a student helper in the Elementary/Middle School cafeteria, which he has done for the past three years.
He was named student of the year in Science his sophomore year and has been an Academic Letter recipient in 2021 and 2022.