All Bluffton Icon News

BFR youth soccer camp is almost here. Registration Deadline: June 1

To register: call 419-358-4150 or visit the registration page.

Allen County 911 Board and EMA has announced that beginning on May 10, 2022 Allen County will begin accepting text-to-9-1-1 emergency messaging.

Wireless customers can now send a text, up to 140 characters, to 9-1-1 in an emergency. Text to 9-1-1 should only be used in an emergency when placing
a call is not possible: for instance, if the caller is deaf, hard-of-hearing, speech impaired, or when speaking aloud would put the caller in danger.

Text to 9-1-1 is for emergencies only

From 6:00-7:00 p.m. on May 18, Bluffton Middle School will host the annual Night at the Museum featuring exhibits by grades 6, 7 and 8.

The community is invited to experience this "living museum" where students present their research on countries (6th grade), historical figures (7th grade),
and careers (8th grade).

Some students dress up as historical figures, others as workers in different professions. Students create poster presentations on their topics and are prepared to introduce visitors to their research.

An open letter to the citizens of Bluffton:

Bluffton is a good town, a good place to live, a good place to raise children, a good place to retire.  Most recently, the tragic death of Officer Dominic Francis has simultaneously increased unity and also disparity within our community.

Letter to the Bluffton Icon:

I would like to thank my entire family especially my wife, Mandy, my parents, Larry and Barb and all my friends  for all of their prayers, support and words of encouragement during my recent medical issue. 

The words, cards and support have been both extremely appreciated and humbling to say the least.  A big thank you to my co-workers and “brothers” at the fire department for filling in for me when I was out on leave. 

The BFR Coed Open (Over 18) Sand Volleyball league will play June 9-July 14, 2022 at Southgate Lanes, 9700 N. Dixie Hwy.

Team fee is $300.00.


Rules and regulations:

BFR Coed Sand Volleyball League Rules


Rally scoring will be used.

There will be a point scored on every score of the ball.

Offense will score on a defensive miss or out of bounds hit.
