All Bluffton Icon News

The Allen County Engineer Office has announced that starting Monday, May 16, Grismore Road Bridge between Napoleon and Cool Roads will be closed for approximately 5 weeks for a bridge deck replacement.

There will be no access during closure.

Sponosred by Ryan DeMarco, CRPC, Edward Jones Financial Advisor

Reminder for chamber members: Business After Hours is back.

From 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 17, the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce will hold a casual networking event with light appetizers and a cash bar at Greenhorn restaurant, 112 Vine St.

The event is sponsored by Ryan DeMarco, CRPC, Edward Jones Financial Advisor.

Questions? Contact executive director Jim Enneking at 419-369-2985 or [email protected]

Women for Economic and Leadership Development (WELD) wil hold a virtual coffee chat at 9 a.m. on May 17.

Discussion Topic: How does your credibility affect your advocacy?

The chat is open to members and friends of WELD Northwest Ohio E-Chapter.

NW Ohio E-Chapter membership is $50 for 12 months. The organization helps members build relationships with other professional women looking to be better advocates for themselves and others.

Bluffton Family Recreation is bringing softball back! The co-ed league will start in July.

Sundays, July 10 - August 14
5 weeks of pool play with tournament Aug. 14
Deadline to register: June 26

For more information, call 419-358-4150.

Bluffton Family Recreation, 215 Snider Road, Bluffton, OH 45817

On Thursday, May 12, Bluffton Elementary School first graders invited their families to an Author Party in the middle school cafetorium. The room was abuzz with activity, with the students presenting their writing and illustrations in small group circles.

Each student took a turn in the author's chair while other students and family members looked on. They shared an autobiography or an animal book that they had created. The event was organized like a conference with presentation groups numbered and authors listed on signs.

The Book ReViews nonprofit book store at 123 S. Main St. is now open from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. on Mondays. Selling "gently used books," the shop helps fund worldwide relief work by the Mennonite Central Committee and is staffed primarily by volunteers.
