The Bluffton Lions will be counting pedestrians and bikes on village pathways from September 11-17.
The data collected is used when appying for grants to build new pathways.
The volunteer counters will display signs identifying them as Bluffton LIons. Organizers note, "We hope folks will check out the signs before calling the police, who are are aware of the census."
Dr. Jonathan Andreas, professor of economics at Bluffton University, will present the Colloquium, “Anarchy, the State and Capitalism: Myths About Coercion and Hierarchy” at 4 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 8 in Centennial Hall’s Stutzman Lecture Hall.
This event is free and open to the discuss capitalism
During the presentation, Andreas will discuss how hierarchies shape interactions. He’ll discuss the fascinating evolution of hierarchies and delve into both the benefits and pathologies they can generate. By appreciating and mastering the principles of hierarchy, Andreas believes people can become more effective leaders and gain insights that resonate with every aspect of human existence.
Andreas is the Howard Raid Professor of Business at Bluffton. The title honors the late Howard Raid, a Bluffton business professor from 1947-79.
A private retirement reception in honor of J. Michael (Mike) Romey will be held Friday, September 8 from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at the bank’s Operations Center. All current and former CNB employees and board members are invited to stop in.
Romey has been Citizens National Bank’s (CNB) CEO for 37 years and will retire from that position at the end of this year. The Romey family has a long history with CNB, with Mike's grandfather holding the position of head cashier when the bank opened in 1920 and later becoming president of the bank. Both his father and brother held positions on the bank’s board of directors, with Mike officially joining the bank as President and CEO in 1986.
Mike stepped back from his role of President in 2019 and Eric Faulkner was chosen by the board to fulfill that role. Mike retained the CEO position until this year and will remain Chairman of the Board for the bank. “Mike led CNB through many years of record-breaking growth and introduction to new technology for our customers. We’re all grateful for the leadership and genuine care he provided to CNB and wish him well as he enters this new chapter,” states Faulkner.
During the summer of 2023, residents have seen our downtown area perform the “Bluffton shuffle,” with several businesses changing locations while staying within the village. One is a business that has welcomed shoppers since 1912, the hardware store on N. Main St.
Talking with Family Hardware owner Jim Basinger about the Do It Best store moving a stone’s throw away to the former Family Dollar location on Cherry St., the question arose,” Were you looking for a larger space when this became available?”