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Eight Bluffton Middle School students participated in the State Science Fair on May 8, according to Dave Bracy, science teacher.

"The students did a great job with three students receiving a superior rating and five students received an excellent rating," said Bracy.

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church' last Ladies' Aid meeting of the season was held on May 10.

New officers were elected. They are President-Jane Amstutz, Vice President-Nicki vonStein, Secretary-Susan Bormuth, and Treasurer-Norma Rader.

Meeting are held monthly from September to May. Ongoing projects are supporting world-wide missions and various sewing projects as well as assisting the members of the congregation.

Twelve youth were recently confirmed in their faith at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Jenera.

Those confirmed were: Jordan Andrew Freed, John "Taylor" Heldman, Matthew Clark Inniger, Andrew Brice Lee, Courtney Erin Rettig, Kelsey Erica Rettig, Everett "Joel" Ritter, Kyle Andrew Rossman, Kenna Renee' Schmehl, Lana Doris Schmitzer, Mary Rose Spears and Brent William Warren.

The class motto was 1 Thessalonians 5:17 "Pray Continually," the class song was "In Christ Alone," the class flower was the Tiger Lily and their colors were orange and silver.

Trevor Meyer

Trevor Meyer, Bluffton, a junior in the Manufacturing Engineering Tech program at Apollo Career Center, will travel to Kansas City, Mo., in June to compete in the National SkillsUSA Competition.

Meyer is one of a three-member team who achieved best in the state status in the Automated Manufacturing Category. The team used software programs Inventor and MasterCam to draw parts, and then produced the parts working from two blueprints on a CNC machine.

George Lehman, Elizabeth Raid, Don Pannabecker

Bluffton remembers Raid as educator, innovator, entrepreneur
When Howard Raid came to Bluffton College in 1947 to teach economics and business, he was told to expect a geography class added to his teaching load, based on the low number of students anticipated in business courses.

But 50 students-about one-sixth of Bluffton's total enrollment at the time-signed up for economics courses, and the first business and economics department at a Mennonite college was poised for growth.
