Adella Steiner Oyer
Dec. 6, 1900 – Nov. 27, 1964
Bluffton High School class of 1920
Adella Steiner Oyer’s teaching career begin at age 21 in a one-room rural Richland Township school, driving a horse and buggy to school each day. By the end of her career she had attained an impressive 37½ years of teaching, which at the time was the greatest number of teaching years accumulated by any Bluffton teacher.
Of her teaching years, three were in Richland Township rural country schools–one year at Hillville school and two at Phillips school.
Those teaching duties included:
• arriving prior to school to light the potbelly stove
• cleaning the school room after students left for the day
• a combination of miscellaneous responsibilities including playground duty
• teaching eight grades at once–with up to three dozen students in the room
The Icon's Community Calendar for April 2024 is updated but it's not too late to send items of general interest to [email protected]. Among events headed our way: an outing with Blufffton Cleanup, PTO Science Night, the Lions-Senior Center pancake breakfast, Friends of the Library Spring Tea and much more!
By Ailing Chen, MD
Pediatrics, Caughman Health Center
The most fulfilling part of being a mom and a pediatrician for me is witnessing my own child and other little ones under my care attain new skill levels in their growth journey. Those initial grins or giggles followed by those hesitant first steps are especially precious moments both for children and parents.
It is important for a child’s cognitive, social, and physical growth to reach developmental milestones appropriate for their age. However, every child develops at their own pace, and some may need a little more time to reach certain milestones. As a parent, you know your child best. Trust your instincts and consult with your pediatrician or primary care provider for guidance and support.
The Bluffton Public Library, 145 S. Main, will be closed Monday April 8, 2024 due to the eclipse.
April 2024 at the Bluffton Public Library is abuzz with programs and a celebration of National Library Week. Subject matter includes the total solar elclipse, watercolors, local history, health, live music, chilling and chess. Some programs require advance registration, marked (R).