Berne, Ind., Swiss Days are planned for Thursday through Sunday, July 29 to Aug. 1. The Berne and Bluffton communities have several things in common including personal relationships among several families and many common ancestors in Switzerland.
Brochures on the Berne event are available at the Bluffton Public Library. Persons wanting additional information may check
A Rally Point River (bike) Ride is set for Saturday, Aug. 21, at Ottawa Metro Park, 2632 Ada Road, Lima, according to Jared Diller of Rally Point Youth Center.
Bike ride options include 50-mile, 100-mile or a 20-mile family route. The event includes a free recovery massage, refreshment stops, lunch with live music and sag wagon service.
"Your entry fee goes to support Rally Point Youth Center, a much needed resource for the Lima area," said Diller.
Individuals who sign-up by Aug. 14 pay $30 (family $75); after Aug. 14, $35 or family $80).
Looking at the daily high and daily low temperature for the past seven days, it would appear that Mother Nature is playing a game of basketball. See for yourself:
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This is just a note of praise for Blanchard Valley Hospital. I'm amazed that some people go off to some "big city" for surgery and/or treatment, when we have the very best right here in Bluffton and Findlay, at the Blanchard Valley Hospital association.
I have just finished going through cardiac rehabilitation at BVH, and I can't say enough good about the staff and facilities right here in Findlay.
Chad Kinnear is a sales engineer for Latrobe, Pa.-based Kennametal Inc., covering much of northwest and west central Ohio from his home in Lima. For two weeks in June, though, he had a rare opportunity to see how his company, a supplier of metal-cutting tools, does business on the other side of the world.
Kinnear, who is pursuing a master of business administration degree at Bluffton University, was among the eight members of a delegation that represented the university on a study tour of China.
Four Bluffton University students are serving as pastoral interns this summer in churches from Florida to Idaho as part of Mennonite Church USA's Ministry Inquiry Program.
Participating from Bluffton are juniors Chalsi Eastman from Norwalk, at Bay Shore Mennonite Church in Sarasota, Fla.; Ethan Hershberger from Upper Sandusky, at Upper Milford Mennonite Church in Zionsville, Pa.; and Megan Neal from Arlington, at Oak Grove Mennonite Church in Smithville, along with senior Matt Weaver from Millersburg, Ohio, at First Mennonite Church in Aberdeen, Idaho.