All Bluffton Icon News

Bluffton~Ac^a'not^a"cs oldest continually operating business, Mennonite Mutual Aid Society, held its 143rd annual meeting on April 24 and reorganized its board for 2010-11, according to Paul King, MMAS president.

The insurance company, with headquarters at 208 S. Main St., reported assets in 2009 of $1,176,058 with 1,432 policies in force.

Icon viewers:
In Bluffton we have the privilege of a school that consistently ranks near the top for student learning. At the same time our school ranks near the bottom for money spent per student. What a bargain. We have high performance at low cost. From an economic viewpoint it doesn't get much better.

Second view of the Bluffton Western Terminal Railroad

This is the second of three views of the Bluffton Western Terminal Railroad.

In cooperation with the Village of Bluffton, the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Bluffton American Legion, the S.H.A.N.N.O.N. Service Club of Bluffton is again in the process of seeking sponsorship for the purchase of the American Flags that line Main Street of Bluffton each summer.

By Andr'e Swartley

Issue #21
Final Fantasy XIII
Developer: Square Enix
Publisher: Square Enix
Platform: Playstation 3, Xbox 360
Rating: T for Teen

For other Andre Swartley games reviews click here.

Bluffton's Tree Commission Arbor Day celebration recognized the late Eugene and Evelyn Benroth. The commission planted several trees and bushes at the entrance of the Benroth Bridge over Marsh Run at the Buckeye. This year a committee of volunteers spruced up the bridge area and renovated the bridge. Standing from left are Sam and Janette Reineke and Bev and Bob Amstutz. Janette and Bev are daughters of Eugene and Evelyn. Click here for additional photos of the event.
